Its the time of year, we are thinking about how we can thank our children’s teachers, TA’s and care-workers. How can we best do that?
None of us are flush at the moment and we like to spend our money wisely. Plus…… I really believe teachers do not want 25 boxes of quality street on the last day of term. 25 bottles of wine?????….hummmm maybe yes but I have heard many parents do not feel it is appropriate for a child to give wine as a gift. You could club together as friendship group parents, or whole classes, or just a few of you and pay a pound or two into a kitty and buy a nice gift (A SEWSoEco tea lover gift set perhaps!) , a voucher or a giftcard for a coffee and cake.
We have many gifts for a fiver or under ,which is around the same price as a box of chocs or a bottle of wine yet far more imaginative and thoughtful.
Last but not least, a handwritten card or drawing from your child is enough to say a big heart felt